Monitoring of environmental and energy systems
S e e n g
S y s t e m e n v i r o n m e n t a l e n g i n e e r i n g

Our Mission
The anthropogenic impacts on environment are increasing the ecosystems' vulnerability. Thus the use of intelligent artificial tools (AI) in smart systems able to guarantee the environmental sustainability is particularly important.

We use revolutionary and innovative and patented technologies for monitoring complex natural and anthropogenic systems, in particular through our systems managed by artificial intelligence we are able to maintain constant efficiency of solar panels and their self-controlled maintenance.


- Monitoring performance solar panels
(Thermocamera - Drone)
The examination consists in verifying through the use of a thermal imaging camera the presence of abnormal operations in the individual panels, presence of
- hot spot (micro fractures of photovoltaic cells, degradation phenomena from PID (Potential Indu-ced) Degradation), interrupted connections between cells;
- mismatching;
- EVA yellowing;
- micro fractures;
- metallization of the cells.
- Monitoring of the territory
Monitoring of the territory and the watercourses by using innovative techniques (Drones, image analysis,...)
R & D - S i m o n
S y s t e m I n t e l l i g e n t M O n i t o r i N g
An intelligence system to connect, manage and monitor photovoltaic systems
S I M O N consists of an innovative AI system that remotely controls the solar panels via a simple app, guaranteeing an almost constant energy production over time and a reduction in damage to the panels. is low cost, easy to install system that makes optimal management of large solar arrays easy.
It pays for itself many times over by maintaining system efficiency and has the potential to be rolled out globally through a simple licencing and revenue share model.

R & D - Salamander
SAfety cLeaning And MAinteNance Device for photovoltaics panels
SALAMANDER allows the user to have continuous maintenance of the solar panel and its electrical disconnection, guaranteeing the maintenance of the panel's efficiency in terms of energy production.

Meet the team

Dr. Eng Giuseppe Ragonese
CEO Director co - founder
CEO and experienced engineer with over 30 years’ experience in risk analysis.
Former official Lombardy Regional Directorate VVF Milan (Italy);
Former Researcher at the Department of Renewable Energy, Resource Efficiency and Aerospace Research I.E.M.E.S.T - Euro Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology Palermo (Italy);
Winner of the Sapio Research and Innovation Award Senate of the Italian Republic, CNR, ENEA (May 2018 - Rome)

Prof Eng. Donatella Termini
CTO co - founder
Ph.D. Full Professor of Hydraulics University of Palermo (Italy) More of thirty-years of experience in experimental and numerical research Leader or collaborator of national or EU research projects and Guest Editor of International Journals. Present research efforts include Environmental risks, ecosystems and anthropic interactions
-2007 International Award "Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize", by ASCE

R & D Partner and Advisor


Seeng Ltd
71-75, Shelton Street, London, Greater London, WC2H 9JQ, UNITED KINGDOM
Registered in England No. 12272351